Elmandria Art Community - Update
The work on the actual code of the art community has been more or less on hold since my server issues at the end of previous year, but I have instead got done a bunch of other important work needed to set it up properly. First of all, I've migrated the databases and the web servers to the new, faster server, now that I have a proper RAID 1 set up on it. This has taken a while to get right (since the web server is used for a few other small things).
The next step was to put the source code of the art community on a svn repository. It made sense to do this now that the backend is mostly stable and that I'm unlikely to start redoing many things from scratch. Also, this allows me to have one checkout on the production server and another checkout used for debugging, on the old server, which will certainly be convenient in the future. I've also added scripts to keep the live version up to date automatically from the repository.
Finally, to complete the setup on the live server, I've set up proper logging using syslog and I've written some rc scripts to control the daemons written for the art community. So, at this point, I can make the whole thing live whenever I am comfortable with it. I've now resumed work on the actual webpages.